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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

He Had it Under Control

Axl Rose the man of so many words, no one can describe him.  He can take some thing so simple and make it do beautiful.  Although, he can make something crazy and wild too.  Rose was a member in the band Guns N' Roses.  I just read an article about him that talked about him turning down an offer to join another band.  They offered him a lot of money, but he declined.  Axl was right to do so because if he had taken that offer, we would not have the blessings in our ears that we have now.  It just goes to show, "Follow your heart not your Cadillac." - Axl Rose

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rock News

Today I discovered the website Rock News. It is an amzing website for people who don't know very much. Although if you follow rock, then this website doesn't do it for you. I mean this website has goodpoints to it, like it being active, but there are many flaws. Usually they post things that people really don't want to know, and few things they do. Also, the layout of the website is not in a manner that pops out and puts me in a state of awe; it's just there. All in all, this website is not what I want it to be.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Garage Band

Garage band is a bew innovating thing making it's way into the computers of rockers across the globe.  This new way to amp up your guitar on your computer is awesome.  It has almost every single style of amping, pedaling, and toning possible.  This new product comes at a pricey $500 and 380 Euros (Euros are always changing.) Though it is pricey, your options are truly limitless, and if you want to record straight to your computer now you can.  Check out garage band it is amazing.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ignite the World

Ignite the World are the words that are stuck in my head.  I heard something that I could not believe.  It was Christian screamo.  I myself, love screamo and to know Christian bands are also making their way to the radio is awesome.  They were singing about igniting the world with a new faith, through the now growing popular screamo (Hardcore) music.  Though I don't know what band or song it was, I am now on the search to learn more about Christian screamo.  I've listened to many bands on this list and loved many of them. 
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.- Galations 2:20 (Seems Fitting)